Pricing for wedding and elopement videography services
Discover your perfect wedding videography package
Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and we believe your love story deserves to be captured in a way that's as unique as you are. Our videography packages are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring every moment is preserved beautifully.
Let us know your vision, wedding date, location, and any special details, and we'll create a customized package just for you.
How to book your date?
We never outsource filming or editing. Every project is handled personally to ensure the quality and style of our work remain consistent, so you receive exactly what you see in our portfolio. We can only take one wedding per date, and our schedule fills up quickly. If you love our work, don’t wait—send your inquiry and secure your date! To save you time, we keep all the information on our website, ensuring transparency and clarity. Before booking, we can schedule a phone call or video meeting to get to know each other and answer any questions you may have. We also include travel expenses, covering most states, in the total price. For intimate weddings, we offer special packages starting from just one hour of coverage.
To secure your date, a 20% deposit and a signed contract are required. Booking is confirmed once both are completed.